eastern hemisphere

英 [ˈiːstən ˈhemɪsfɪə(r)] 美 [ˈiːstərn ˈhemɪsfɪr]

网络  東半球; 东半球


  1. Its the most evocative name for a highway in the world. There is no more perfect long-distance bicycle expedition in the Eastern Hemisphere.
  2. Today is Christmas in western hemisphere and the Birthday of Amitabha Buddha in eastern hemisphere according to Chinese Buddhist tradition.
  3. Now, the Eastern Hemisphere, the so-called Old World, possessed nearly all the animals adaptable to domestication, and all the varieties of cultivable cereals except one;
  4. The Meridian Chain of Comprehensive Ground-Based Space Environment Monitors in the Eastern Hemisphere
  5. In the Northern [ Southern, Eastern, Western] hemisphere
  6. Lying in the northern part of the eastern hemisphere, China is strategically situated in East Asia by the Pacific Ocean.
  7. Begins in the Eastern Hemisphere with domestication of animals;
  8. The results show that the factors with higher occurrence frequency are the subtropical high systems in the Northern Hemisphere and the Eastern Hemisphere.
  9. The seasonal variation of the circulation on 100 mb level in low latitudes is much more pronounced in the eastern than in the western hemisphere.
  10. The results show that the basic properties of the climate in the monsoon areas of the Eastern Hemisphere are mainly determined by the land-sea contrast and the topography.
  11. In winter, the circum-polar westeries prevail in the eastern hemisphere in low latitudes, while in summer there shows strong easterlies and a quasi-stationary sub-tropical high in the upper troposphere over the Asia-African continent.
  12. Some characteristics of circulation over middle and low latitudes of eastern hemisphere during anomalous droughts and floods in 1981 and 1983 how to handle the exception in Java
  13. When low index circulation prevails over subtropics and tropics in Eastern Asia, there is meridional circulation in the southern hemisphere ( especially in Australia), and there is a mass transport from the southern to northern hemisphere.
  14. In comparison with the Western Hemisphere, the Eastern Hemisphere clearly had fewer earthquakes.
  15. Taking the longitude line of 0 °~ 180 ° as the boundary, the eastern hemisphere is undergoing compressive deformation, while the western hemisphere is extended;
  16. The cross equator flow in troposphere over equator region are nearly opposite in winter and summer in eastern hemisphere. The seasonal variation of monsoon trough and mean meridional circulations are also very marked.
  17. Seasonal interaction between SST in tropical eastern Pacific and ozone layer in northern hemisphere and teleconnection spacial structure in it caused by SST effects, for January and July, are statistically analysed.
  18. The summer Northern Hemispheric circulation's reponse to the ENSO events varies in different latitudes. In the mid-high latitudes, relationship between atmospheric circulation and ENSO events in the Eastern Hemisphere improves, but that in the Western Hemisphere diminishes distinctly.
  19. And Eastern Hemisphere genera.
  20. On relations between synoptic situation of successive winter precipitating days in South-Eastern China and upper circulation of Southern Hemisphere
  21. Seasonal variation of cross-equatorial flow in the eastern hemisphere and its anomaly during the El Nino event
  22. The summer half yearly mean index has a negative ( positive) correlation coefficient with that of following winter half year in eastern ( western) hemisphere. But from winter to summer there is a reverse trend in the change of zonal index.
  23. Teleconnection between SST in tropical eastern Pacific and ozonosphere over Northern Hemisphere
  24. An experiment on reconstruction of summer atmospheric circulation in eastern hemisphere by use of temperature and rainfall data in China



  1. the hemisphere that includes Eurasia and Africa and Australia

      Synonym:    orient